Legal Information

The telephone numbers listed in the legal information are for the purposes of establishing contact with We are not responsible for the letting of holiday properties, and if you have any questions, please contact the landlord of the holiday property in question, for whom you will find the contact details under "contact" in the property listing.

Liability in accordance with § 5 of the German Telemedia Act

TRAVANTO Ferienwohnungen GmbH
Holzbrücke 7
D-20459 Hamburg
Tel: 040 - 244 249 0 (Not for contacting the owners of holiday properties)
Fax: 040 - 380 178 581 42

AG Hamburg HRB 115422

UST-ID: DE297107244

Represented by the managing directors:

Göran Holst, Stefan Mantwill und Tim Hochmuth

Activities are subject to authorisation and the authority responsible supervisory is the Supervisory Authority of IHK Hamburg.

Objection to Contact Approaches

We disapprove of using the contact information provided on this website (in the imprint or elsewhere) for the transmission of unsolicited advertising and informative materials. We reserve the right to take legal action in case of unsolicited advertising - inparticular through spam E-Mails.

External links

External links on our websites refer to external content of which Travanto has only limited influence. Links entered into our database are only subject to verification at the time at which they are entered into our system and the regular verification of external content on our websites is not viable for economic reasons. For this reason we expressly distance ourselves from this content.


According to EU Regulation No. 524/2013 the European Commission offers an official website dedicated to supporting consumers and traders resolve disputes about online legal transactions out-of-court. Please click the following link to open the Online Dispute Resolution website of the European Commission: We are not obliged to take part in a dispute resolution before a consumer arbitration board.

You have a holiday property in the Hamburg area?

Why not list it on!

As a landlord you can test our system for one month free of charge! Try out our listing system, customised to serve your needs, and enter your holiday property today on!

You can list your property by clicking on "Advertise now" in the top right-hand corner!.

1) How long would you like to travel for?

2) Please select your earliest arrival and latest departure.

Please specify a number of nights.
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